Terms and Conditions of Membership for 2024/2025 Academic year

Sport and Active Lifestyles Service

Kingston University's Sport and Active Lifestyles Service (the "Service") as part of Kingston University’s Department of Student Services and Administration has developed the Sports Performance Programme (the “Programme”) to ensure students who qualify to study at Kingston University and perform at the highest level of sport are actively supported in meeting the many challenges they will face in their sporting and academic commitments. It also offers support to talented local sportspeople competing at the highest level. By applying to the programme, applicants are confirming that they will adhere to the following Terms and Conditions:

1. Programme Administration

1.1 The Sports Performance Programme is co-ordinated by the Service’s Sports Development Manager.

1.2 Members of the programme must be over the age of 16.

1.3 Membership of the Sports Performance Programme is for the duration of the respective academic year in which the application is made and may be renewable pending reapplication. Existing members can re-apply over the summer and will be contacted in advance of the academic year by the Sports Development Manager.

1.4 Membership to the scheme is by application form, enclosing a reference confirming the current sporting standard of the applicant.

1.5 Applications will only be processed on receipt of suitable references. It is the responsibility of the scheme applicant to ensure that references are received by the Sports Development Manager prior to the deadlines specified in section 1.1.2 of these Terms in order for the application to be assessed.

1.6 Eligibility Criteria

1.7 Criteria for “home or EU” students is as follows:

Please note: If you are an international applicant, your performance level will be assessed in comparison with a GB performer. Applicants must demonstrate this within their applications for it to be assessed by the Sports Awards Committee.

1.8 External applicants (i.e. non-KU student) are eligible for the Development Group only.

1.9 Eligible Sports
Applications are acceptable from the following sports:

American Football
Association Football
Chinese Martial Arts

Ice Hockey
Ice Skating
Ju Jitsu
Modern Pentathlon

Rugby League
Rugby Union
Table Tennis
Water Skiing
Women’s Football

1.10 Interview
Having applied to the scheme using an application form, new applicants may be contacted by the programme coordinator to discuss their application.

1.11 Application Deadlines
All applications will be considered at the Sports Award Committee to be held on Friday Friday 18th October 2024.

1.12 Applications received after Friday Friday 18th October 2024 may still be considered during the 2024/2025 academic year, at the discretion of the Chair of the Sports Awards Committee.

1.13 Sports Awards Committee

1.14 The award of places on the scheme is granted and renewed by the Sports Awards Committee. This committee has a broad spectrum of representation on it, from different sections of the University community.

1.15 The decision of the Committee is final on all applications.

1.16 The Sports Development Manager will inform all applicants of the decision of the Sports Awards Committee in writing within 14 days of the appropriate Sports Awards Committee meeting.

1.17 Scheme Benefits and Support Services

1.18 Applicants who are accepted onto the scheme may be allocated a liaison officer whose job it will be to offer day-to-day support and advice.

1.19 The University may award further support services through the programme, depending on the membership category awarded to successful applicants to the scheme. Benefits may include the following:

  • Access to University Fitness Centre
  • Fitness Programme Design and Personal Training
  • Sports Massage (KU Students only)
  • Sports Science Support
  • Sports therapy and Osteopathy (KU Students only)
  • Sports Injury Clinic (KU Students only)
  • Access to sports talks and workshops
  • Financial Support

1.20 The scope of the Programme's benefits and services (as detailed in section 1.21) available to successful scheme applicants may vary and will be confirmed by the Sports Development Manager individually on acceptance to the scheme. A summary of the scheme’s current benefits and services is attached as an appendix to these terms for reference.

1.21 Any Programme member joining the University’s Fitness Centre will be subject to the Fitness Centre’s terms and conditions of membership.

1.22 Termination of Membership

1.23 The Service may expel from the Programme, suspend from membership for a specific period or refuse renewal of membership of any member if, in the reasonable opinion of management within the Service, such member has caused or may cause nuisance or annoyance to other members of the Programme (or staff of the Service), has broken rules and regulations for use of the Service as displayed or relayed by the Service’s staff, such member refuses to adhere to the requirements of Programme members illustrated in section 2 of these Terms or whose conduct might be injurious to the character or interests of the Service and/or Kingston University. In the event of such expulsion or suspension, all access to Programme benefits and services will cease with immediate effect.

2. Conditions to be fulfilled by Programme members

2.1 Members will be expected to contribute to the relevant Students Union or University club and will be expected to represent the University when required. In some circumstances this requirement may not be appropriate or possible and can be waived by agreement with the Sports Development Manager.

2.2 Members will act as a representative of the University, will maintain or improve their level of sporting performance and satisfy the University with their academic progress.

2.3 Members will be required to produce an annual report giving details of their sporting achievements over the past year. This report shall be taken into account when renewal of the award is under consideration.

2.4 Members shall provide help in promoting the sporting profile of the University in any way seen fit by the University. Group members are asked to submit publicity photographs on joining the scheme and to supply more as appropriate throughout the year.

2.5 Members will be expected to contribute to the University’s Sports Volunteering Programme, contributing a set amount of hours over the year on joining the scheme as agreed with the Sports Development Manager.

2.6 Members will undertake any other duties as in accordance with the above, as requested by the Sports Development Manager relevant to being a member of the Sports Performance Programme.

2.7 Failure to meet the requirements listed between section 2.1 and 2.6 (above) without good cause, will result in termination of the individual’s membership of the Programme (see section 1.25).

3. Miscellaneous

3.1 Data protection

3.2 Your information will be processed in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018. Please see the University’s Data Protection Policy for further information and Student Privacy Notice for further information.

Privacy statement;

Your information will only be used in relation to the Sports Performance Programme.

All data will be held confidentially in accordance with the requirements of the relevant data protection legislation. It will only be viewed and accessed by a limited group of people for the purposes of the Sports Performance Programme.

Full data will only be retained for the duration of your enrollment on the Sports Performance Programme. On exit from the Sports Performance Programme, we will seek permission to add your 'contact details only' to our Alumni Sports Performance Athlete list.

At all times Kingston University will abide by its Data Protection Policy and Privacy notices, which can be found in the information regulations section on our website.

Consent statement;

I grant consent for my personal data to be processed as described in the privacy statement Yes/No

3.3 Variation of terms

3.5 Contact details

3.6 All queries and correspondence relating to the Programme should be directed to: Sport and Active Lifestyles (SPP)
c/o Sports Development Manager
Kingston University
Penrhyn Road
Kingston upon Thames
Surrey KT1 2EE

Tel: 020 8417 2412
Email: sport@kingston.ac.uk